Autor Wątek: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty  (Przeczytany 54007 razy)

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« dnia: Listopad 23, 2009, 16:52:07 »
In this department enter the information about rallyes
I ch..... ,że text nie mój:
 Bliscy mogą to akceptować lub nie.Ale nigdy nie zapominaj ceny, jaką płacą. Szanuj to, że Twoja żona, mimo, że cały czas przypomina Ci o ojcostwie, trwa i cieszy się Twoją radością.

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Odp: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Listopad 23, 2009, 19:34:21 »
So far, at least in our case, our forum met in the convenience centers where everything was done for us.
And it was cool !!!!! But there were also some for whom it was a bit too expensive or just too luxury. Need to understand it. Therefore, we would like to propose a meeting in the place where:
- First, we are absolutely completely alone
- Secondly, the only luxury is a shower and a toilet
- Thirdly, unique atmosphere!!
DATE: 23-25 APRIL 2010
Where is that mysterious place? Let me explain. It is one of the last forts of the eighteenth century  from the era of the Prussian King Frederick II, called "High Rock" located in Srebrna Góra. As of today, the fort is prepared to host summer camps for young people who sleep in military tents.  Activities and meals take place in the old dungeons. I assure You that the casemates are dry and comfortable so that "customers" could feel "comfortable" with no moisture and mold. Fort is equipped with showers with hot water and clean toilets. All tiled and clean, but without the "Italian marble". Keep them clean will be our duty !!!!!! Regarding the accommodation, we have two large casemates with wooden floor, which can accommodate about 20 beds. YES YES my dear friends, it offers you a co-educational sleep!! Peace and a lounge with a fireplace if the weather was not encouraged to sit by the fire.
As part of the lender that is our friend, gratis lends us military beds and mattresses for everyone willing! So it goes that sleeping is to be in the style of the camp. If anyone wants to come with his own tent, no problem - the place to take down is  there. At the fort we are totaly alone so guarded parking problem falls away. Snout can tear the wound  :headbang:  :headbang:  :headbang:
Now, as to costs.
Cost per night for one person is 20 PLN, two nights = 40 PLN / person. However, the cost of hiring the fort is 1200pln. converting it to a person that goes to the cost of accommodation to PLN 20 per head, there must be at least 30 people. Everything above that number   will be added to the total cost. Understandable? NOTE meals are done by ourselves !!!!! With one exception, on Saturday we can order dinner but we have to go down about 500 meters down and then "climb"!! The cost of the dinner should be contained in the amount of PLN 20. It came into our heads an idea - to save you packing on a motorcycle food at least for Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast, we propose to collect any amount of money and we will purchase, pre-determined food articles on forum so that everyone could prepare a meal themself, without unnecessary seizing trunks. The same could stick to evening bonfires. Shere in we do and we are delivered to the place sausages. Since we have kitchen in the fort, we can also prepare in advance meals such as a stew, only to heat it up .
With regard to the program of the meeting, our idea is the lack of bike journeys unless respectable forum request. On Saturday we would like to take you to visit the main complex of the fortress Srebrnogóra, with the possibility of firing the weapon hikes, shooting with guns and mortar. And then went to the former railway viaduct Sowiogórska and sliding (NOT jump!) From a height of 31 meters. Assure you that for certain will be an experience! The cost of 20 PLN / person. and a tour of about 20 PLN / person. Of course, the program is not compulsory.
To sum up the cost per head:
- bed 40 PLN (2 x 20 PLN)
- Saturday: lunch 20 PLN, fort 20 PLN, slide from the bridge 20PLN
- Plus breakfast and bonfires
Summary for malcontents - sleep on the soil, food doing  by themselves, cleaning up after!!  :headbang:  :headbang:  :headbang:
Here are some photos of the place
How about that? HuhHuh
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopad 23, 2009, 21:20:45 wysłana przez naja »
Nie obiecuj w szczęściu, nie decyduj w złości

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Odp: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Listopad 23, 2009, 19:55:45 »
 :police: :deadbeer:
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopad 23, 2009, 21:43:57 wysłana przez lastone »
witaj tak, jakbyś pierwszy raz witał,
żegnaj tak, jakbyś widzieć już nie miał,
żyj życie, jakbyś miał już nazajutrz
ze śmiercią twarzą w twarz stanąć


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Odp: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Styczeń 06, 2010, 08:23:43 »
this looks very interesting, but i am at this weekend on a sailboat on the baltic sea. too bad!

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Odp: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Marzec 10, 2011, 08:41:59 »

Place : Leśny Porażyn , Poland,4617.0.html

Any questions  :;sa=send;u=389

« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 12, 2011, 07:26:50 wysłana przez maniek »

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Odp: Rallyes,Treffen,Zloty
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Październik 09, 2011, 17:33:28 »

More info about it  soon   :headbang:

April TDM Zone Meeting : 20-22.04.2012

Info :,5130.msg56860/topicseen.html#new
« Ostatnia zmiana: Styczeń 11, 2012, 21:38:21 wysłana przez maniek »